Intelligent minimisation of waste, from planning to waste management
Published: 2022-05-31By measuring, visualising and following up the amount of food waste in the food preparation flow, we can obtain a useful view of where, when and how we can reduce expired ingredients, while making use of those that have not yet expired. Analyse and optimise!
Safeguard well-considered planning and control of the most basic parameters for maximising food shelf life – storage at the optimum temperature and in an appropriate environment.
Not always easy, but does it really have to be that difficult?
- Plan purchasing and menus so that leftovers can be used in other dishes later on.
- Process, preserve or freeze.
- For the best quality, longest shelf life and lowest cost, buy ingredients according to the season.
Preschools – make smoothies using bruised fruit
Schools – cut salad buffet ingredients in accordance with consumption – uncut produce lasts longer
Shops – establish an “eat soon” shelf with reduced prices
Restaurants – offer guests “doggy-bags”
Bakeries – make breadcrumbs from leftover bread
Pastry bakeries – use biscuit and cake crumbs to fill Swedish-style “punsch-rolls”
Use your imagination to create, protect the environment and save money!