Make guest appearances – inspire & be inspired!
Published: 2016-05-24”Bageri Petrus” in Stockholm and ”Feldts Bröd & Konfekt” in Halmstad inspire one another in many different ways, e.g. by swapping bakers.
Within the restaurant industry, guest appearances have long been seen as a way of developing, learning new cooking methods, seasonings and combinations, acquiring knowledge about primary produce etc. Petrus Jakobsson and My Feldt have introduced these opportunities into the bakery industry.
It began when Feldt’s Bakery was temporarily short-staffed and needed a skilled worker in a hurry. Petrus immediately made contact and offered to send Paolo, one of his bakers, to help out for a few days. He saw it as a fun opportunity for mutual exchange of knowledge. Amongst other things, this resulted in “Pastéis de Nata” now being on offer in Halmstad. My and Petrus did some talking, made plans for more interchange and from then on there has been one inspiring guest appearance after another right across the country. When Petrus visited “Feldts Bröd & Konfekt” the delightful aromas of raspberry catalans, almond cakes, scrolls and bread baking in the ovens mingled with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. And tray after tray of My’s scrumptious toffee tartlets disappeared from the shelves at “Bageri Petrus” in Södermalm during My’s guest appearance…
Petrus and his bakers have also allowed the HÄLLDE Combi Cutter CC-34 a guest appearance in their bakery. For almost 6 months they’ve been testing and evaluating the machine. This has enabled them to further develop some of their range, to test new preparation methods and to offer their guests a whole string of new products. “We have made our own almond paste, with several different flavours, and been able to add our own new touch to various bakery items. We’ve made marmalades, short pastry, crumble, chopped nuts and a lot more…” says Petrus.
Having the experience of successful guest appearances My chose to take the idea one step further. She invited a number of the nation’s master bakers to “Feldts Bröd & Konfekt” in Halmstad for a “Bakefest”, where they all made their own specialities.
My: ”Bakers seldom have time to leave their bakery, but I think many of us have been inspired by these exchanges, where we meet and together do what we love to do. You feel comfortable when you can take part in the baking, rather than just make a visit where you stand around watching and feeling as though you’re disturbing production. This is a win-win situation for everybody. There’s no competition to show who’s best and no secrets. We get lots of inspiration from each other. We all bake differently, use different types of flour and have different thoughts and methods, but we’re all passionate about the same thing and have the same goal.
It was fantastic for our customers as well, to get to taste other bakers’ produce. It was so much appreciated and the atmosphere was great. It was wonderful to see our customers in Halmstad treat the “guest bakers” as the stars they really are!”
Bakefest in Halmstad: From left, Petrus from ”Bageri Petrus”, Kristofer from ”Rådmansö Bageributik”, Anders from ”Cum Pane”, Niklas from ”Kustbageriet”, Gabriel di Grado from ”Spånga Konditori/Bullar & Bröd” and Johan Feldt from ”Feldts Bröd & Konfekt”.
They’re all passionate about refining good raw materials, free from additives, and turning them into tasty breads and cakes, with pride in and love for their trade – master bakers! Some call it a trend. I see it as a changing industry…
Next time, the idea is to have a Bakefest with Kristofer at ”Rådmansö Bageributik” outside Norrtälje. As My says: “The dream is to have a Bakefest at least once a year, plus a couple of guest appearances on top of that.”
Want to get inspired? Follow Petrus and My on instagram: bageripetrus och myfeldt
/Malin Annebäck Boudet
Marketing Director